405 research outputs found

    Facial Component Detection in Thermal Imagery

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    This paper studies the problem of detecting facial components in thermal imagery (specifically eyes, nostrils and mouth). One of the immediate goals is to enable the automatic registration of facial thermal images. The detection of eyes and nostrils is performed using Haar features and the GentleBoost algorithm, which are shown to provide superior detection rates. The detection of the mouth is based on the detections of the eyes and the nostrils and is performed using measures of entropy and self similarity. The results show that reliable facial component detection is feasible using this methodology, getting a correct detection rate for both eyes and nostrils of 0.8. A correct eyes and nostrils detection enables a correct detection of the mouth in 65% of closed-mouth test images and in 73% of open-mouth test images

    Facial Point Detection using Boosted Regression and Graph Models

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    Finding fiducial facial points in any frame of a video showing rich naturalistic facial behaviour is an unsolved problem. Yet this is a crucial step for geometric-featurebased facial expression analysis, and methods that use appearance-based features extracted at fiducial facial point locations. In this paper we present a method based on a combination of Support Vector Regression and Markov Random Fields to drastically reduce the time needed to search for a pointā€™s location and increase the accuracy and robustness of the algorithm. Using Markov Random Fields allows us to constrain the search space by exploiting the constellations that facial points can form. The regressors on the other hand learn a mapping between the appearance of the area surrounding a point and the positions of these points, which makes detection of the points very fast and can make the algorithm robust to variations of appearance due to facial expression and moderate changes in head pose. The proposed point detection algorithm was tested on 1855 images, the results of which showed we outperform current state of the art point detectors

    Parametric temporal alignment for the detection of facial action temporal segments

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    In this paper we propose the very first weakly supervised approach for detecting facial action unit temporal segments. This is achieved by means of behaviour similarity matching, where no training of dedicated classifiers is needed and the input facial behaviour episode is compared to a template. The inferred temporal segment boundaries of the test sequence are those transferred from the template sequence. To this end, a parametric temporal alignment algorithm is proposed to align a single exemplar sequence to the test sequence. The proposed strategy can accommodate flexible time warp functions, does not need to exhaustively align all frames in both sequences, and the optimal warp parameters can be found by an efficient Gauss-Newton gradient descent search. We show that our approach produces the best results to date for the problem at hand, and provides a promising opportunity to studying facial actions from a new perspective

    Learning to transfer: transferring latent task structures and its application to person-specific facial action unit detection

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    In this article we explore the problem of constructing person-specific models for the detection of facial Action Units (AUs), addressing the problem from the point of view of Transfer Learning and Multi-Task Learning. Our starting point is the fact that some expressions, such as smiles, are very easily elicited, annotated, and automatically detected, while others are much harder to elicit and to annotate. We thus consider a novel problem: all AU models for the tar- get subject are to be learnt using person-specific annotated data for a reference AU (AU12 in our case), and no data or little data regarding the target AU. In order to design such a model, we propose a novel Multi-Task Learning and the associated Transfer Learning framework, in which we con- sider both relations across subjects and AUs. That is to say, we consider a tensor structure among the tasks. Our approach hinges on learning the latent relations among tasks using one single reference AU, and then transferring these latent relations to other AUs. We show that we are able to effectively make use of the annotated data for AU12 when learning other person-specific AU models, even in the absence of data for the target task. Finally, we show the excellent performance of our method when small amounts of annotated data for the target tasks are made available

    Learning to transfer: transferring latent task structures and its application to person-specific facial action unit detection

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    In this article we explore the problem of constructing person-specific models for the detection of facial Action Units (AUs), addressing the problem from the point of view of Transfer Learning and Multi-Task Learning. Our starting point is the fact that some expressions, such as smiles, are very easily elicited, annotated, and automatically detected, while others are much harder to elicit and to annotate. We thus consider a novel problem: all AU models for the tar- get subject are to be learnt using person-specific annotated data for a reference AU (AU12 in our case), and no data or little data regarding the target AU. In order to design such a model, we propose a novel Multi-Task Learning and the associated Transfer Learning framework, in which we con- sider both relations across subjects and AUs. That is to say, we consider a tensor structure among the tasks. Our approach hinges on learning the latent relations among tasks using one single reference AU, and then transferring these latent relations to other AUs. We show that we are able to effectively make use of the annotated data for AU12 when learning other person-specific AU models, even in the absence of data for the target task. Finally, we show the excellent performance of our method when small amounts of annotated data for the target tasks are made available

    Fusing deep learned and hand-crafted features of appearance, shape, and dynamics for automatic pain estimation

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    Automatic continuous time, continuous value assessment of a patient's pain from face video is highly sought after by the medical profession. Despite the recent advances in deep learning that attain impressive results in many domains, pain estimation risks not being able to benefit from this due to the difficulty in obtaining data sets of considerable size. In this work we propose a combination of hand-crafted and deep-learned features that makes the most of deep learning techniques in small sample settings. Encoding shape, appearance, and dynamics, our method significantly outperforms the current state of the art, attaining a RMSE error of less than 1 point on a 16-level pain scale, whilst simultaneously scoring a 67.3% Pearson correlation coefficient between our predicted pain level time series and the ground truth

    FS-DETR: Few-Shot DEtection TRansformer with prompting and without re-training

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    This paper is on Few-Shot Object Detection (FSOD), where given a few templates (examples) depicting a novel class (not seen during training), the goal is to detect all of its occurrences within a set of images. From a practical perspective, an FSOD system must fulfil the following desiderata: (a) it must be used as is, without requiring any fine-tuning at test time, (b) it must be able to process an arbitrary number of novel objects concurrently while supporting an arbitrary number of examples from each class and (c) it must achieve accuracy comparable to a closed system. While there are (relatively) few systems that support (a), to our knowledge, there is no system supporting (b) and (c). In this work, we make the following contributions: We introduce, for the first time, a simple, yet powerful, few-shot detection transformer (FS-DETR) that can address both desiderata (a) and (b). Our system builds upon the DETR framework, extending it based on two key ideas: (1) feed the provided visual templates of the novel classes as visual prompts during test time, and (2) ``stamp'' these prompts with pseudo-class embeddings, which are then predicted at the output of the decoder. Importantly, we show that our system is not only more flexible than existing methods, but also, making a step towards satisfying desideratum (c), it is more accurate, matching and outperforming the current state-of-the-art on the most well-established benchmarks (PASCAL VOC & MSCOCO) for FSOD. Code will be made available
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